WIT018 Victoria Harbour Trilogy:Central - Star Ferry | 維多利亞港三部曲:中環 - 天星小輪, 2023 (海報 - Poster 50cm x 70cm)



Victoria Harbour Trilogy:Central - Star Ferry 維多利亞港三部曲:中環 - 天星小輪 19世紀初,港島西北岸中環一帶地區,被冠以「維多利亞城」(原譯域多利城,又稱女皇城)之名而率先發展起來,由於行政機關集中,吸引各行各業商人聚集,昔日大班洋行、商賈林立,為後世開創繁榮。 180多年來,香港得以高速發展,中環日益壯大,海岸線不斷往前推進,經歷無數的興建、拆卸與重建,摩天大廈棟棟比天高,層層疊疊將香港打造成今日舉世聞名的國際金融中心,但同時亦有所失去。 舊日的中環天星碼頭、舊和記大廈、舊Ritz Carlton、美利樓……無數地標,今天都已成回憶。香港不斷在變,就連維多利亞港亦變化萬千,要欣賞中環風景需要及時。 最佳方法,是乘上香港歷史最悠久的海上交通工具——天星小輪,標誌性的綠白色船身,象徵天海合一 。短短10分鐘的「過海」航程,難得放慢腳步 ,沿途拂面涼風,瓊樓玉宇,絕世風景美不勝收,記得要珍惜當下。 In the early 19th century, north-western shore of the Central district was known as “Victoria City” or Queenstown. As such the area was the first to be developed. Because of the nearby British administrative agencies, Central had attracted a wide variety of businesses, leading to rapid construction of business towers and buildings and resulting in much prosperity. Over 180 years, Hong Kong has seen break-neck speed development and Central has grown in size and importance. Its shorelines continued to push forward into the Victoria Harbour with endless construction, tearing down and building up. Waves and layers of skyscrapers stacked upon each other to create the world-renowned financial centre that we know today. Of course, in the midst of transformation, Hong Kong has also lost some of its old historical landmarks. Old buildings like the Central Ferry Terminal, Hutchison House, Ritz Carlton, Murray House and countless landmarks have now become our collective memories. Hong Kong is constantly changing, Victoria Harbour is no exception. To enjoy the view of the Central skyline, we must seize every opportunity. The best way to do so is to ride on one of the oldest forms of transport - the Star Ferry. Its iconic green-white colour symbolises the perfect blending of the sky and the sea. In a short 10-minute ride across the harbour, slow down your hurried pace, and let the balmy sea breezes caress your face and enjoy the beautiful scenery in front of you. Carpe Diem! 尺寸 Size: 50cm x 70cm


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